Discrimination Against Pashtuns

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


An Open Letter from Pashtun Intellectuals to President Obama

The following letter was composed by a group of Pashtun nationalists, some inside Afghanistan, and some abroad, who are unhappy about the presence of other ethnicity in the Afghan government. They collectively call them northern alliance, a term that was associated to a strategic alliance between minority groups to fight against the Taliban. Names of individuals who sign this letter are mentioned at the bottom, some of whom are famous for their ultra-Pashtunist mentality through their TV appearance and commentaries on the Internet. 

Discrimination against Pashtuns: Letter to President Obama

Letterr from: Dr. Nabi Misdaq, Dr. Zirakyar, Dr. Miraki and Dr. Burhani

This letter was sent to U.S. President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry and Ranking Member Richard Lugar, German Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, editors of major U.S. newspapers and other important personalities.
June 12, 2010.

Pashtuns are the founders of modern Afghanistan and are the main group, which has been defending the country over the past two and half Centuries. It is unfortunate that through misinformation and internal ethnic jealousy they are discriminated against both from within and from without. Pashtuns make up 62 per cent of Afghanistan’s population (see Wak Foundation, The Ethnic Composition of Afghanistan 1998; Dr. Misdaq, Political Frailty and External Interference, 2006) and yet they are treated like outcasts by the neighboring countries of Pakistan and Iran and also, after the fall of Taliban, by NATO and Coalition Forces. Over the border in Pakistan, Pashtuns make 13 per cent of the 180 million population of Pakistan (not counting the autonomous FATA tribal region). And yet this population of about 50 million has been treated as if they are all Al-Qaeda or Taliban; however, nothing could be further from the truth. Right now, millions in Pakistan are rising in opposition to Taliban in Swat and in FATA regions. It is worth mentioning that not one educated Afghan Pashtun went to serve in the Taliban government that was in Power for six years. However, thousands of Pashtun women, children and elderly, (Prof. Marc W. Harold, University of New Hampshire) who had nothing to do with any resistance group (s) have been bombed by the coalition forces in Afghanistan in the name of terrorism. Similarly thousands were made refugees and their houses destroyed in Pakistan under the pretext of being Taliban.

The repeated bombings of houses and villages in Kandahar, Farah, south and east of Afghanistan killing women and children have been abhorrent not just to the Afghans but for people around the world. Professor Seddieq Noorzoy encapsulated this revulsion in his article in WWW.M.E.I.EDU.COM in December 2009, highlighting the murder of Pashtun children between the ages of one year and 16 years. The source of the present war on Afghanistan goes back to Taliban turning away from the American Oil Consortium UNOCAL in favour of the better terms offered by Bridas an oil and gas company of Argentina to pipeline Central Asian oil and gas through Afghanistan to the Indian Ocean.

At an UN-sponsored conference on Afghanistan (Berlin, Germany, July 2001) U.S. officials advised Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Niaz Naik that “we will attack Afghanistan before snow falls in October”. According to Bruce G. Richardson, author of two books on Afghanistan, Naik’s “impression was that the U.S. sought regime change [in Afghanistan] to advance the UNOCAL pipeline project.” The American journalist, Richardson points to a former CIA officer, Christine Rocca, who “told Taliban official when the negotiations in favor of the US-led consortium were faltering that ‘you either accept our offer of gold or we will bury you in a carpet of bombs’.” Also, “U.S. ‘Planned Attack on Taliban”, /BBC News, World: South Asia, (Tuesday, 18 September 2001, 11:27 GMT/U.K. Qtd. in Zirakyar, Strategic Perspectives on Afghanistan, May 2010).
This was also broadcast by CNN. The Guardian newspapers also published the interview.

Another similarly serious discrimination against Pashtuns is practiced by the Northern Alliance which has monopolized important ministries and governorships and Afghan embassies posts abroad.
In the past nine years the war has continued in the Pashtun areas. Limited numbers of schools are open to students in these war-stricken provinces; nonetheless, despite the insurmountable difficulties, the students have continued their schooling. However, in Kabul, fewer and fewer of them have been allowed to pursue their education at higher level for example:

Last year from the four Pashtun provinces of Kandahar, Zabul, Orezgan and Helmand only 727 students were allowed to pass the Afghan Ministry of Higher Education Exam while at the same time from the Shiat Hazara province alone 1056, from the under populated Badakhshan province 2305 and from the much smaller province of Juzjan 943 students “passed” the university entrance examination.

Students in these war-zones have been taking their life in their hands to attending schools. Yet instead of giving them priority to take advantage of scholarships offered by friendly countries, they are discriminated against. The two ministries of Foreign Affairs & Higher Education have vowed not to allow any Pashtun to go abroad for higher education, Instead less qualified students from the 9 per cent Shiat Hazara and 12.5 Tajiks (see Wak Foundation and Misdaq above) are the one taking all the scholarships that are offered by India, Russia, Iran, Egypt and even US and UK. Dr. Miraki who comes from a prominent Afghan family went to observe the recent “national election” in Kabul highlights such discrimination:

A group of Pashtun students from Maidan-Wardak province went to the ministry of higher education and sought scholarships abroad. These students were all A grade students with superb academic achievements, however, they were told to go to Quetta (in Pakistan) and get scholarships there. The students told them they are Afghans, why should they go to Pakistan, but the officials laughed and said "may be Mullah Omar can get you some scholarships".

Another group of students from Kabul that included Pashtuns, Tajik and Hazara went to the ministry of higher education to apply for scholarships. All of the non-Pashtun students received scholarships but even though most of the Pashtuns were more qualified than the minorities they received none.

Another group of Pashtun students from Baghlan province (in central Afghanistan) attempted to come to Kabul to participate in the entrance exam to the University, however, a local Tajik warlord found out about it; the warlord ambushed the students bus all of them were beaten and injured. None of them made it to Kabul.

We are not saying that Pashtuns because they are the majority of the population should be the one getting most of these scholarships; we want an academic merit-based criterion that should be the basis for awarding such scholarships. In no country the majority can be discriminated against for long. Such narrow mindedness will sooner or later have serious repercussions.
Zirakyar with a Ph. D. in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, who taught at Afghan, German and American universities, has already spoken against such discrimination:
I want to underscore an important issue: The majority student population of Afghan society which happens to be Pashtuns is not receiving its fair share of the scholarships offered by countries friendly to Afghanistan. This counterproductive policy affects all Pashtuns by category-irrespective of where in Afghanistan they domicile-and it is sabotaging any last hope of the process of peace building and nation building in war-torn Afghanistan. I am concerned that this type of discrimination in education will further create social and political instabilities down the road. As information about the corrupt structures of the system in Afghanistan reveals, a small minority connected to foreign powers gain disproportional chunk of political, military and economic power in the country and in its foreign service. This minority power elite will be moving like hand in the glove of socio-economic and political agenda promoted by foreign ethno-cultural ambitions. This new power structure can impose, with or without foreign support, their will on the majority Pashtuns. For more than 30 years of violence in Afghanistan, the country urgently needs expanding peace-time economy and nation building, not an anti-Pashtun ruling circle and not a classroom for developing an ideology of hatred and intolerance. Researcher Jeannine Spink affiliated with Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, writes: “Teachers continue to teach ethnic hatred and intolerance,” and the textbooks “continue to be highly politicized, promoting social divisions and violence, seemingly unnoticed by the International Community, whose expensive investments fuel rather than restrain this problem.” Also, I want to highlight another issue. The World Factbook (1992) by CIA considerably lowered the statistical significance of Pashtuns. (See Zirakyar, “Pashtun-Bashing in Kite Runner: A Psychological Operation?”, December 9, 2009; and Bruce Richardson, Afghanistan: A Search for Truth., 2008-2009, p. 275). What is the purpose of inflating the population size of non-Pashtun minorities while downgrading the majority Pashtun demographics? This deliberate undertaking by the CIA is indicative of a public relations ploy for a world-wide support for an unjust war, which was given the appearance of a just war: to free the majority (minority non-Pashtuns) from the so-called oppression of the minority (majority Pashtuns).

We welcome anyone to look at these scholarship figures over the past six years witch represents an utter injustice in rendering scholarship awards solely on the basis of ethnic and linguistic affiliations. Thereby, depriving Pashtun students from higher education, this injustice is practiced by the narrow minded officials of Northern Alliance in the above ministers. For each Pashtuns of exceptional ability, 80-90 non-Pashtuns have been sent overseas on these scholarships.

Incidentally, the majority of these non-Pashtuns are academically unprepared compared to the small number of Pashtuns who make it to the Kabul University entrance examination.

For example, India offered 2500 scholarships for the year 2006-7 in different fields including 50 in engineering. To date no one has graduated from the engineering faculties in India. The reason is that these students are not qualified to be selected for such a demanding and technical field. They neither speak the level of English required for these subjects nor are equipped with the level of sophistication in mathematics, trigonometry and physics that are necessary for an engineering degree. Some of these students had come back to Kabul while others are shifting from one subject to another in India over the past four years. Prof. Khaleq Rashid, education attaché at Afghan embassy in Delhi says that unqualified students are sent to India while such selection on narrow ethnic politics deprive other well qualified students to take advantage of such opportunities. The Indian Education establishment also sent a delegation to Kabul asking for better qualified students to be sent as the quota of Afghan students remains unused.

We are asking you to consider the long term implication of such discrimination and exert your influence over the Karzai Government that their shortsightedness is not in the interest of Afghanistan. Pashtuns are the founders and defenders of the state. They will not tolerate being ruled by the minorities whether or not being discriminated for Higher Education. However, by such blatant discrimination the Karzai government and its northern alliance supporters are seeding the seeds of future conflicts. The question is what will the present ruling clique do when they no longer have the support of 150,000 foreign troops? The history of Afghanistan is full of resistance to foreign imposed and minority control regimes. The international community should treat everyone in Afghanistan from a standpoint of equality and fairness. Such discrimination against the future leaders and generation should be stopped at once. All scholarship giving establishment have to make sure that their aid and assistance to the people of Afghanistan is not abused.

Nabi Misdaq, B.Sc. (LSE) London University, PhD (Sussex University) UK
Author and Journalist.
Rahmat Rabi Zirakyar, PhD in Political Science, Free University of Berlin,
Independent Scholar.
Mohammad Daud Miraki, 2 MAs and PhD, Chicago University
Author and Academic.
Ubidullah Burhani, PhD, University of Tunis,
Academic and Analyst of Arab Affairs.

From: Dr. Misdaq, Dr. Zirakyar, Dr. Miraki and Dr. Burhani

I went through your case presentation. AS an Afghan I was totally disappointed that how could such academic people who live abroad and are well educated as they say, portrays such a fake picture from Afghanistan. This shows how dishonest they are with their poeple and Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a not only a home to one ethnic group but it is a home to all enthnic groups. Pashtuns are one of the biggest but not the only big one. i hope these professors who have written this piece of discrimination cry, travel to the country and see closely who are really discriminated and marginalized.
Obama won't spend his time reading this shit. He knows these so called educated and hypocrite pashtunes.
Well it is well known fact that those who are in power right now are criminal warlords and they are as much dangerious for afghanistan as taliban
WEll I am an Afghan and this letter is full of lies.
1: the pashtuns does not make 62% of Afghanistan populations and they make about 35-40 of the Afghan population.
Secondly, Pashtuns burn their schools and spread acid on the face of their girls and no girls is allowed to go to shool, what should the Tajiks, Hazaras, and Uzbaks do about it.
Thirdly, Which Pashtuns who are better educated then Non-pashtuns are discriminated and not given the scholarships.
Forth. If people are discriminated it is the Hazaras mostly and the non-Pashtuns and if the Pashtuns makes suicide bombing and kill each other it is not the fault of the northern alliance and the non-pashtun people. i am just saying the non-pashtuns are trying to stop the pashtuns not to kill the innocent people.
I feel really sorry for Afghans people. These people call themselves Dr. What do you expect from the Kandaharies Pashtuns who do not have educations.
This is a childish attempt by a bunch of bigots to play victim while trying to demonize the most oppressed non-Pashtun people of Afghanistan. When it comes to discrimination, it is laughable to think that Pashtuns are discriminated against. Pashtuns hold the biggest share of power and national resources ,as well as foreign aid, and at the same time complain about others' monopoly! such a hypocrisy.
I guess, the Taliban are Pashtun and they are the ones who do not let children go to school. It is the effect of supporting the Taliban ,who shut down schools, that has made Pashtun areas of the country less productive in terms of sending more students to ,say, Kabul University. If Pashtuns burn their own schools and many pashtuns support such a sad thing, then it is really ridiculous to fault other ethnic groups who have nothing to do with what goes on among Pashtuns. Pashtuns should not blame others for the barbaric acts of their own Pashtun Taliban.
You cannot have it both ways: either leave behind tribalism and the worst practices of Talibanism and join the democratic world, or put up with the repercussions of your relentless support for bigotry and fundamentalism. And in any case, stop playing victim. People know the truth and no amount of false propaganda would really change the fact that you are trying to suppress other ethnic groups by all means and establish your tribal fascism as the only way of governing.
None sense in a word,

if u r such bright nation stop killing, stop burning public infrastructure, stop feeling proud of u r past.

then maybe we can talk
very rediculous!
firstly to say that the Pashtuns make between 30 to 35 per cent of Afghanistan population... secondly, all key ministries of the government including Defense, NDS, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Trade... are chaired by pashtunes, plus the president.
thirdly, if these PHD holders read the Afghanistan history, they well understand that it has always been pashtuns who have killed teachers and ulema, burned schools and clinics, sprinkled acid on girls face, commited genocides, killed their full blood brothers and fathers for power...
Who is the one committing suicide?
Who is the one burning schools in Helmand, Kandahar, Zabul, Uruzgan...?
Who is the one killing teacheres and ulema in the mentioned provinces?
Who... Who... Who...??? THEY ALL ARE PASHTUNS!!! Then, why do they blame others???
Lastly to say that Afghanistan and its people will continue being burned in the fire of YOUR IGNORANCE, unless you pashtun leaders change your rotten mind.
Thanks for these Doctors to display and introduce the real nature of Pashtun people not only to other tibles of Afghanistan but also to the world and President Obama in particular, I think these so called PHD thought world leaders suffer logic and understating as they do and can easily accept something without consideration of the real situation of Afghanistan. I don’t think this letter will make Obama and other leaders to pay more attention to Pashtoon people and provide them with more money and consideration but I think it will help that world leaders would understand the depth of pain and problems other tribes suffer from dirty prejudice and racism practiced by all pashtoon people including their educated ones
I am just so sorry for the universities where these academic have graduated and feel really pity for students (if these So called PHD teach in those universities) whom these Dr. teach them.
I hope Mr. Obama and other world leaders will come to this point that as long as such these people with such ideology are in power in Afghanistan, this country would not experience peace , freedom and human rights
The reality in Afghanistan is clear for all . Pashtuns are the mejority and the creature of war and they are the warlords , they are trying to push other nationalities out of Afghanistan.Pashtuns are the warlords and the source of evils in Afghanistan !
Hey guys, this letter is just joking, don't take these Doctors serious.
these doctoooors are the hatred doctors who have studied very long and gained many degrees in that field
a well learned but tough lesson for the Pashtuns that "what goes around comes around."
Pashtuns destroyed every corner of Afghanistan by their barbarian rule during and after the TALIBAN ERA they cant be trusted because of their shortsightedness and narcisstic ignorance they should accept the demographic realities and the current and upcoming census of population.They are the ones who are the victimizers not the victims so they should stop complaining for something they are responsible themselves.
These four have really made idiots out of themselves... so frustrating to read what they claim. with these fools it's no wonder that afg lag behind even the poorest countries...
Yasin Ghobar :The reality in Afghanistan is clear for all . Pashtuns are the mejority and the creature of war and they are the warlords , they are trying to push other nationalities out of Afghanistan.Pashtuns are the warlords and the source of evils in Afghanistan !
I am just disappointment about this so called letter. any wise person can understand how the writers of this letter's mind are full of discremination. we accept that pashtuns are one of the big ethnic whom in reality are hardly to make up the 40 percent of the population of Afghanistan. if they are in such big numbers then why they never let the ethinical counting of population? let count the population and see the result if you are not hiding the shinging truth of pashtuns as minority.
if in the south as the writers said it hardly to find open school then where they study to qualify for higher study in abroad?
I totally agree with report, it is true 100%.

Afghanistan is a country of pushtoons, they are the majority and they are the ruler of Afghanistan since its birth. other fictions are living with us for a long time but it does not mean they should rule the country.
Minority always work for its ethnic group not for a whole country. we are experiencing this in our country.
Absolutely ridiculous! All full of lie! These illeterate doctors have a racial glass in their eyes and thus see Afghanistan through the glass of racism on the grounds of ethnics, religious, and linguistics.

Very unfortunate that doctors who got degrees, PhDs are still illetrate and unrealistic.
NO worries, obama doesn't have to consider this later, pashtoons who make up 65% of the population will get over these problems and will get their legal rights one day. Pashtoons have always sacrificed for the country and governed the country in most difficult satiation and will do the same in the future. Pashtoons consider Afghanistan as their own country and therefore they sacrifice much more than anyone. Whoever is against pashtoons in Afghanistan are not Afghans because every Afghan knows the fact that pashtoons is an absolute majority of Afghanistan's population thus anyone who is against the absolute majority of the country is against Afghanistan and not considered as an Afghan. This letter is totally based on the reality and no body can ignore these facts. All of those who commented here are strongly against Afghanistan and aren't Afghans, they must be Iranians or Tajiks from Tajikstan or their puppets.
Thanks to all of these three doctors who portrayed the real face of the on going issues in our country. Afghani Tajiks, Uzbek and hazara are all our brothers and all agree with this letter, and they consider this as a real challenge for their pasthoon brothers, except those who are involved in war and are criminals and are Iranian puppets. Those tajiks that are from Tajikistan and Iranians are against this letter and they don't want afghans to be together and have a peaceful country. The best example of those iranians and Tajikistani's are these People who has showed their anger in their comments here as a feedback. They also support some Afghani Tajiks and hazaras and other minorities in Afghanistan against the central government and Pushtoons. But thats all fine, Iranians and Tajikistani's have been trying for centuries to be against pashtoons and pashtoons culture, that is not something new and is considered as a fact, however they have had no achievement and they will fail forever. The issue is that today's government is full of Tajik, uzbak and hazara warlords and have strong support from Iran and therefore they are biased and against pashtoons. People of Afghanistan have to fight against those criminals. Instead of these criminals, the government should bring educated and real afghans from all over the country and make a better Afghanistan.
With the hope to have a peaceful Afghanistan, empty of criminals, warlords, Iranians and Iranian puppets, and Panjabi's.
NO worries, obama doesn't have to consider this later, pashtoons who make up 65% of the population will get over these problems and will get their legal rights one day. Pashtoons have always sacrificed for the country and governed the country in most difficult satiation and will do the same in the future. Pashtoons consider Afghanistan as their own country and therefore they sacrifice much more than anyone. Whoever is against pashtoons in Afghanistan are not Afghans because every Afghan knows the fact that pashtoons is an absolute majority of Afghanistan's population thus anyone who is against the absolute majority of the country is against Afghanistan and not considered as an Afghan. This letter is totally based on the reality and no body can ignore these facts. All of those who commented here are strongly against Afghanistan and aren't Afghans, they must be Iranians or Tajiks from Tajikstan or their puppets.
Thanks to all of these three doctors who portrayed the real face of the on going issues in our country. Afghani Tajiks, Uzbek and hazara are all our brothers and all agree with this letter, and they consider this as a real challenge for their pasthoon brothers, except those who are involved in war and are criminals and are Iranian puppets. Those tajiks that are from Tajikistan and Iranians are against this letter and they don't want afghans to be together and have a peaceful country. The best example of those iranians and Tajikistani's are these People who has showed their anger in their comments here as a feedback. They also support some Afghani Tajiks and hazaras and other minorities in Afghanistan against the central government and Pushtoons. But thats all fine, Iranians and Tajikistani's have been trying for centuries to be against pashtoons and pashtoons culture, that is not something new and is considered as a fact, however they have had no achievement and they will fail forever. The issue is that today's government is full of Tajik, uzbak and hazara warlords and have strong support from Iran and therefore they are biased and against pashtoons. People of Afghanistan have to fight against those criminals. Instead of these criminals, the government should bring educated and real afghans from all over the country and make a better Afghanistan.
With the hope to have a peaceful Afghanistan, empty of criminals, warlords, Iranians and Iranian puppets, and Panjabi's.
Very interesting........this ignorant ethnic group so called Pashtun is really blind minded. If they make the 60% of the country population, then how come that they are descriminated by other minorities.........? PHD holder Pashtuns, why don't you think well before you put such figures in your letters....shame on you. You probably need to go back to school though it is useless for your racists.
NO worries, obama doesn't have to consider this later, pashtoons who make up 65% of the population will get over these problems and will get their legal rights one day. Pashtoons have always sacrificed for the country and governed the country in most difficult satiation and will do the same in the future. Pashtoons consider Afghanistan as their own country and therefore they sacrifice much more than anyone. Whoever is against pashtoons in Afghanistan are not Afghans because every Afghan knows the fact that pashtoons is an absolute majority of Afghanistan's population thus anyone who is against the absolute majority of the country is against Afghanistan and not considered as an Afghan. This letter is totally based on the reality and no body can ignore these facts. All of those who commented here are strongly against Afghanistan and aren't Afghans, they must be Iranians or Tajiks from Tajikstan or their puppets.
Thanks to all of these three doctors who portrayed the real face of the on going issues in our country. Afghani Tajiks, Uzbek and hazara are all our brothers and all agree with this letter, and they consider this as a real challenge for their pasthoon brothers, except those who are involved in war and are criminals and are Iranian puppets. Those tajiks that are from Tajikistan and Iranians are against this letter and they don't want afghans to be together and have a peaceful country. The best example of those iranians and Tajikistani's are these People who has showed their anger in their comments here as a feedback. They also support some Afghani Tajiks and hazaras and other minorities in Afghanistan against the central government and Pushtoons. But thats all fine, Iranians and Tajikistani's have been trying for centuries to be against pashtoons and pashtoons culture, that is not something new and is considered as a fact, however they have had no achievement and they will fail forever. The issue is that today's government is full of Tajik, uzbak and hazara warlords and have strong support from Iran and therefore they are biased and against pashtoons. People of Afghanistan have to fight against those criminals. Instead of these criminals, the government should bring educated and real afghans from all over the country and make a better Afghanistan.
With the hope to have a peaceful Afghanistan, empty of criminals, warlords, Iranians and Iranian puppets, and Panjabi's.
I have gone through this rather emotional letter. It does present some factual picture of the present day's ethnicity-ridden Afghan society. No doubt, the Afghan Pakhtuns are paying for what they chose to do during the past several decades. It is very true that every pakhtun is not Talib but, the fact cannot be denied that every single pakhtun does have sympathy with the Taliban for, after all, they share same ethnicity. Furthermore, the figures about the ethnic composition of Afghanistan in this letter, is unfortunately devoid of reliability & truth. The pakhtuns form 35 to hardly 40 per cent of the Afghan population. The Tajiks, the Hazaras, the Uzbeks and many other ethnic groups form majority of the Afghan population. To call the Tajiks, the Hazaras & Uzbeks minority is definitely a statement far from truth. In the letter, the pakhtuns alone have been regarded as the defenders of Afghanistan. This indicates emotionality & bias on the part of those honourable professors. To put it simple, this letter contains little element of truth and more disinformation which kills its reliability and worth.
The reference the writers give are not covincing. It seems that it is the Pashtun more than any other ethnic people who promote ethnic divisions and insist they are the natural rulers of Afghanistan, while they seems to be incompetent and need to emplot Tajiks and others because they are more competent. They tended to collaborate with the Soviets and Taliban and cause the bulk of the trouble in today's Afghanistan, while the Afghanistan and foreign governments invest in trying to support their development at the expense of the people in the north. I hope Obama does not make the same mistake of listening to them, as Bush, who seems to have installed Karzai against the wishes of the majority of the people of Afghanistan (Khorosan)because of pressure from Zalmay Khalilzad.
It is really a shame. I am not scared of the ignorant Taliban who take weapons and fight. I am scared of the literate and educated Taliban who systemically try to be a cancer in the world and harm others.
از دکترهای پشتون بیش از این انتظار نمی رود

دکترهایی که سال های سال را در خارج از پشتونستان و افغانستان که سنگ آن را به سینه می زنند زندگی می کنند

دکترهایی که با پول کفار در کشور کفار زندگی می کنند و خود را مسلمان می نامند

دکترهایی که غیرت و ناموس فامیلی و ملی و اسلامی شان را به دست کفار داده اند و به جای آن که به فکر آبادی و ترقی وطنشان باشند مانند سگ های دوره گرد به در خانه اوباما و دیگران می روند

تف بر این شعور و حماقت. اگر دکتر مردم افغانستان این گونه باشد دیگر از مردم بی سواد آن چه توقعی می توان داشت
Excuse me! it is not the pashtuns who are discriminated against. it's the non-pashtuns who are trying to defend a civil way of life. it is the non-pashtuns who build institutions and hold the country in one piece. it is the non-pshtuns who build schools and the pashtuns burn them.

the pashtuns had more than 150 years to build a nation and develop a humane system and lead the country towards a better future. instead, all they did were massacres, spreading the culture of hate and ignorance and keeping Afghanistan in the dark.

the pashtuns hardly make up 35% of the population. if they were 62% then they would have had carried out a single census in 150 years to see who is the majority and what is the ethnic composite of the population of Afghanistan.

the reason that the Taliban are still around is the so called technocrat pashtuns who were brought in from the west and put in the position of authority. instead of standing up to the terrorists they defended the terrorists and fooled the world as well.

the pashtuns can simply stop burning schools, bombing the cities, treating women horribly and choose a better of life. they can join the rest of the people in seeking knowledge, building the country and establishing a just and functioning system.

instead of all this, the pashtuns are working from within and without the government to destroy the country, creating hell for the people of Afghanistan, the region and the world.

i feel sorry for pashtuns that their so called Doctors and educated elite can fool themselves and their people in such a childish and disgusting way.

a peace loving , terrorist hating former member of northerin alliance and current phd student: Harun Kamali

What a wonderful introduction of Pashtuns. I am really happy that these guys "Dr.s" show their real face as the most educated representatives of their clan. It is just bullshit and lies. I live in the country and I know it. Idiots. I wonder, how long they want to continue this? I really wish we were not forced to live with them in the same country. I have lost my last hope for this country. Let us think otherwise, let us think of making our own country and let them have their own country.
such stupid hypocrites. I can not imagine. there is no way to correct some people despite education and living in a free western multicultural society. Let Obama alone, even I do not have time to read the entire letter. i just read the first paragraph.
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